A Warm Welcome to Ondundu Jagd Safariā€¦

Ondundu which means “mountain” to the Herero tribe

The heart of Ondundu lies at the foot of the Etaneno and Nordenberg mountains. The smaller Nordenberg mountain once served as a radio for the Schutztruppe in what was then known as South West Africa.

Ondundu is situated 75km west from Otjiwarongo and is the ideal place for you to make your hunting dream come true.

We offer Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Hartebeest, Warthog, Eland, Mountain and Plains Zebra and Giraffe to be hunted either from a hide or on foot.

Smaller mammals such as Porcupine, Steenbok, Damara Dik-Dik (Blue buck), Duiker, Aardwolf (Ekundi), Pangolin, Anteater, Meerkat, Striped Mongoose, Jackal and Hyena can be seen and observed from our hide-outs, while on a foot safari or from one of our game drive vehicles.

A variety of grasses provide pasture for the fauna at Ondundu. Acacia, Apple Leaf trees and a variety of deciduous bushes grow naturally in this savannah landscape and provide leaf eaters, such as Kudus, with an abundance of food.

An extremely wide range of birds and especially predatory birds such as eagles and hawks, offer the patient bird watching enthusiast an experience of a lifetime.

While enjoying a sundowner on the small hill of Etaneno/Nordenberg, our guests are treated to a symphony of calls orchestrated by the night birds and howling jackal as they announce the arrival of Darkness as she slowly and silently approaches to spread her glittering sequenced gown across the vast African skies


We wish you a pleasant stay and a most successful hunt!

– A trophy is a living memory –